


The University’s mission is to provide a mutually respectful environment conducive to student learning and development. 这样做的时候, the University acknowledges that students can offer valuable information about the performance of the university in meeting goals and providing services as part of our mission. 与此目标一致, 大学欢迎反馈,并致力于解决学生的不满. 当出现问题或问题时, students are advised to seek information and assistance through the various processes and 过程s, 包括学生管治组织, 负责接收和回应学生对教职员工的投诉, 另一个学生, 项目, 或服务. When registering 关注s or complaints, students must follow the appropriate 过程s. If a student has any question about the applicable 过程 to follow for a particular complaint, 学生应该联系学生服务办公室, 助理副总裁, 和高级操守主任,电话:(504)520-7359或 在学生决定采取更正式的行动之前,讨论可能会保密.

The policy provisions outlined apply to all students currently enrolled at Xavier University of 路易斯安那州 who choose to make a formal written complaint.

The policy provisions outlined apply to all students currently enrolled at Xavier University of 路易斯安那州 who choose to make a formal written complaint.


如果学生对下列任何事项有投诉, 学生应参考适当的资源:

A. 学术诚信政策(文理学院/药学院).
Any student who wants to dispute a decision made regarding academic misconduct or academic dishonesty

B. 学生行为准则(非学术性). 任何违反大学政策、程序或标准的学生不当行为

C. 反对歧视和骚扰政策. 任何因种族而受到对待或考虑的学生, 性别, 年龄, 宗教, 性取向或残疾, 或任何形式的不当性行为, 包括性骚扰和性侵犯. (联系第九章协调员、人力资源或高级行为官)

D. Scope and Authority Complaints regarding individuals who are not full or part-time members of faculty/staff or enrolled at the University or that are outside the scope of University operations do not fall within this policy.


A student who has a complaint that a policy or 过程 has been incorrectly or unfairly applied in his/her particular case, or a complaint about the behavior of a University faculty/staff member that does not fall within any of the categories listed above, 或者对具体的大学经历不满意, 投诉的处理方法如下:

1) Informal Resolution – Student Concern or Dissatisfaction Communicated 学生 are encour年龄d to speak directly with the individual (faculty/staff member) or 办公室 (financial aid, 住房, 等.)与引起投诉的情况有关或应对此负责. 
Appropriate University staff will review the matter presented by the student and determine whether any action is required. 高级操守主任, 或被任命者, 如果各方同意,可以担任辩护律师和/或第三方调解人, 情况证明.

a. 不要采取进一步行动
b. 对问题提出意见或建议,或者
c. 如果这种沟通不能导致令人满意的解决或这样的讨论


a. After an attempt for informal resolution of the matter is unresolved and there are irreconcilable differences, 或者非正式决议被认为是不合适的, 可以提出正式申诉

b. 填写学生投诉表格,邮寄或校园投递至:

新奥尔良,LA 70125




The form will be forwarded to the dean of the relevant 大学 or the head of the appropriate 办公室 from which the complaint arises. Formal complaints must be filed within sixty (60) days of the event that triggered the complaint, 并说明申诉的性质和所寻求的补救办法. 还应描述以前解决该问题的任何尝试.

NOTE: All formal Student Complaints must be submitted in writing on the Student Complaint Form. 通过电话报告的投诉将不被视为提交审查.

Records of the final outcome of all formal complaints will also be stored in a centralized database in the student’s electronic file (effective spring 2017). 收到投诉将在十四(14)天内确认. 然后,适当的大学管理人员将审查此事. 最终书面裁定, 包括任何提议的决议, will be sent to the student within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the complaint or other reasonable period depending on the complexity of the complaint and those involved.

如果有新的证据/陈述可能会影响原来的决定, the complainant may appeal the decision to the 下一个 highest administrative level within seven (7) days. 如果该官员找不到上诉的实质依据,则结案. 如果上诉被批准, the Administrative 办公室r or 大学 Dean will provide a final resolution to uphold or overturn the decision. The 办公室 of the appropriate Vice President is the highest level to which appeals may be made. If a complaint is against a Vice President, the Director of 人力资源 will have oversight.

一个当前注册的个人, or enrolled within the two 以前的 semesters (one academic year) when the circumstances of the complaint first occurred, 也没有被停职或开除, 或者以其他方式与大学分离.

非正式抱怨:对问题的表达, 关注, 或者学生对任何工作人员的不满, 办公室, 或部门. Complaints may be expressed and discussed with the most immediately before any grievance is filed. 如果投诉不能解决,可以提出正式投诉.

Formal Complaint/Grievance: A formal statement of complaint that specifies a misinterpretation, 误用, 或不合理地执行学校的官方政策, 过程, 规则, 或者是关于学生的规定或行为. 学生可以在以下四个方面提出投诉:
学术, 非学术(学生行为), 歧视/骚扰, 或上述任何领域的吸引力.
Respondent: The individual responding to, or involved in addressing the 关注 or complaint


Record Retention: A complete record (paper copy) of formal complaints will be retained by the relevant University 办公室 up to five (5) years after final disposition:


Records of the final outcome of all formal complaints will also be stored in a centralized database in the student’s electronic file (effective spring 2017). 数据库记录并跟踪每个投诉.

Each Office of the 大学 Dean and the Senior Conduct Officer (助理副总裁 for Student Services) will meet in order to conduct an annual review of complaints to identify any persistent patterns and, 如果出现这种情况, 建立一个流程来解决这些问题.

在此过程中,学生有权随时撤回投诉, 在这种情况下,投诉应登记为结案,并注明撤回. 如果投诉是以书面形式提出的, 撤回申请也应以书面形式送交处理投诉的人. The staff member who receives the notification will advise all parties to the complaint in writing of the withdrawal. 工作人员 may still decide to initiate appropriate corrective action as a result of the complaint.

如果投诉是针对另一个人或一群人, 他们有权在回避后提出书面声明. 这封信应该寄给处理投诉的工作人员, who will then circulate the response to all those involved in handling the complaint to date. 投诉将在那时结束,不需要进一步的通信.


If there is evidence that appears to support significant non-compliance with a university requirement or standard, the student may file a complaint with the appropriate accrediting or compliance 年龄ncy:

For unresolved complaints 关注ing university compliance with accrediting standards or against the Commission


The 认证 Councils for unresolved complaints regarding program requirements or standards
咨询认证委员会 & 相关教育项目(CACREP)

美国民权办公室.S. Department of Education for complaints 关注ing federal laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment

The University reserves the right to modify, amend, or terminate this policy at any time

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